WARNING - By their nature, text files cannot include scanned images and tables. The process of converting documents to text only, can cause formatting changes and misinterpretation of the contents can sometimes result. Wherever possible you should refer to the pdf version of this document. Strategic Settlements An Camas Mor i. The Local Plan continues the proposal for a new [RED sustainable RED] community at Cambusmore (now named An Camas Mor), on the east side of the River Spey opposite Aviemore, that was identified in the Badenoch and Strathspey Local Plan 1997 and in the Highland Structure Plan 2001. ii. The Local Plan identifies an indicative settlement boundary for the site, within which it is expected that development of a community of up to 1500 homes could be developed over time. The Local Plan identifies a need for the development of An Camas Mor to start within the lifetime of the Local Plan and sets a target of 100 homes to be completed within the next five years. [RED The National Park Authority will continue to work closely with the developers for the site, interested parties and consultees, to ensure realistic and appropriate timescales are set and adhered to, and that through such partnership workings, the effectiveness of the site is realised within the predicted timescales. RED] iii. Development of the site will require [RED a detailed transport assessment and this should examine the various access issues facing the site, including the impact of the development on the trunk road and local road network, the impact on the nearby rail network, and the need for non motorised access across the Spey to link the community with Aviemore. RED] iv. In addition to housing, the settlement will provide commercial and community uses. The National Park Authority will work with partners to produce a detailed masterplan for the site. [RED Within this the requirements to create a sustainable community including economic development opportunities, community facilities and other forms of development will be detailed, within design guidance for all forms of development, which should attain the highest design and sustainable development credentials. The masterplan will also include mitigation measures required as a result of the development. RED] [RED v. The development of An Camas Mor presents an excellent opportunity to provide opportunities for large and small scale developers and builders to work together to bring forward the delivery of the settlement. This will be recognised in the masterplan. RED] vi. Development of the An Camas Mor site has potential to have significant effects on the River Spey SAC. Permission for development will only be permitted if the planning authority is satisfied that proposals have been designed [RED to the highest standards that do not adversely affect the integrity of the River Spey SAC. RED] [RED vii. The whole of An Camas Mor also sits within the Cairngorm Mountains National Scenic Area. As such development will only be permitted if the planning authority is satisfied that proposals have been designed to the highest standards that avoid and mitigate any significant effects on the environment and protect the overall integrity of the Cairngorm Mountains National Scenic Area. RED] (please note An Camas Mor falls wholly within a National Scenic Area designation) Image: Map of An Camas Mor (Not available in full text format - please refer to PDF file) (c) Crown copyright. All rights reserved. Cairngorms National Park Authority 100040965 2008 (c)SNH Legend Cairngorms National Park Sites of Special Scientific Interest Special Protection Areas Special Area of Conservation Ramsar Convention Site National Nature Reserve Gardens & Designed Landscapes National Scenic Area Conservation Area Settlement Boundary Indicative Settlement Boundary Settlement Zone Type Community Economic Development Housing Environment Village Centre